Hear our Music
PDX Vox performs at the State Capitol
Oregon state Representative Lisa Reynolds, who has sung with PDX Vox for the past decade, invited PDX Vox to send a group of singers to sing at the opening ceremony of the April 27, 2023 floor session at the state capitol.
Watch below to see the ad hoc PDX Vox singers perform Marie Schumacher’s 2022 arrangement of Simon & Garfunkel's "America” under her direction.
Check out some of our favorite tunes!
Highlights from our 2020-21 Virtual Choir recordings. (Want to hear more? Check out all of our virtual choir tracks on our Soundcloud site).
Upcoming Shows
Spring Showcase Concert
Time: May 4, 2024, 3:00 pm
Place: Central Lutheran Church, 1820 NE 21st Ave., Portland
Watch our four choirs and 95-voice combined choir perform a cappella arrangements of a variety of pop and folk music.
A $5-$10 donation will be requested at the door, but no one will be turned away.
Masks will be optional.
“I have learned to read music, to trust my ear, and to welcome the rigor of pursuing a new endeavor. I have also found a community that embraces and supports one another while making beautiful sounds.”
—Lia, Wednesday Group